Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning viewers!
You're still with me Andhika Puspita Siwi on "APS Breaking News", Saturday the twenty seventh of September two thousand and fourteen.
For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to the bright news in this sunny morning.
The bright news for this morning is "Tempe, the World Wide Food"
As we know tempe is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia, and especially popular on the island of Java.
Now tempe has gone World Wide.
In English word tempe mean "tempeh". Tempe is known by the people of Europe through the Dutch people. Immigrants from Indonesia started the first factory in Netherland.
Now tempeh is eaten by people in the US, Canada, Japan, Latin America, and even in Africa. People like eating tempeh, because it has a lot of protein and it's good for digestive system.
That's the news today, always Proud to be an Indonesian!
Finally I am Andhika Puspita Siwi and all crews of APS breaking news, we say happy weekend, see you next time, and Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
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